Tag: education and voting

Why Education Alone Cannot Influence Political Choices

The spirit of having an informed electorate sets in whenever the political season is just around the corner. Having an informed electorate is good for the progress of any nation. However, education or literacy levels do not play a significant role when determining the kind of political choices people make. This is evidenced by Five Thirty Eight about the recent elections in the US that saw Donald Trump gunner edge out his closest rival Hillary Clinton who seemed liberal and cultured by many.

Factors that influence voter decisions

Personal backgrounddonald trump

The history of a voter plays a great role in determining the candidate they choose. An individual’s upbringing, occupation, age, and upbringing might compel to vote for one candidate over another. Moreover, ethnic, racial and education are other factors that might influence the decision of a voter. Looking at the background, these factors might have different influences on the decision one makes.

Political loyalty

Voters with a strong allegiance to a particular political party are bound to vote for candidates from that party only. As such, the only people that can be convinced to vote otherwise are the weak party members. The US, which is seen to be a two party state, has seen a massive increase in the number of independent candidates. This implies that political parties should expect major surprises from the electorate like those witnessed in the just concluded elections.

Campaign issues

Literacy levels in most parts of the world are considerably high. With this in mind, the media also creates a platform to help voters be informed. As such, voters are more likely to vote for a candidate that identifies with their plight. Voters look at the candidate’s opinion on issues like health, education, abortion, gay rights, and education among others.

speech illustration The candidate’s image

The candidate of choice is seen to be the face of the country. As such, most voters tend to elect someone they can identify with. He or she should identify with issues facing the electorate. Moreover, voters would also prefer having a leader that appears strong and trustworthy.


Propaganda refers to information from the competitors meant to influence the decision of the electorate. This information should not be necessarily untrue. As such, candidates and their team might run resort to name calling, social media stacking, and celebrity endorsements, among the techniques. The idea is usually to achieve a predetermined objective. After the political seasons is over, it’s all about the game of politics.…